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If you’re reading this, chances are good that you’re an employer or hiring manager who — despite weathering constant uncertainty in the wake of COVID-19 — engaged every ounce of creativity, resilience and ingenuity to stay afloat during difficult times. 

Now that you’ve adopted a flexible, dependable long-term work strategy, you’ve set ambitious post-pandemic goals and intend to meet them. All you need is dedication, imagination, and a team that can help execute your vision.

The only problem? Despite the fact that you’re ready to build a top-tier team, you can’t seem to find any talent (let alone the right talent). Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common problem: the recruitment market has completely shifted since COVID-19 began, leading to significant employee shortages.

So, what hiring challenges exist in the post-pandemic recruitment landscape? What are prospective employees looking for in a great employer? And what can you do to overcome the hurdles created by COVID-19 and build the team you really need alongside you?

What’s changed about the employee recruitment process?

If your company is having trouble finding potential employees right now, you’re not alone. Since the initial nationwide border closure in 2020, the Australian talent market has become incredibly tight. Prior to the shutdown, over 2,000,000 visa holders were living in the country, with 149,000 visiting on Working Holiday visas.

Today, those numbers have dwindled: more than 500,000 visa holders have left Australia, and the number of travelers on Working Holiday visas has dropped to less than 65,000. Considering Australia relies heavily on migrant labor and visa holders for work, the pool of prospective talent has shrunk considerably for employers looking to attract new hires.

On top of that smaller talent market, workers are staying put now more than ever before. Uncertainty has led people to prioritise job security and lifestyle over prospective opportunities. With COVID-19 causing so much anxiety, most Australians are looking for a sense of stability and safety in their lives.

Lastly, it’s possible that changes to the way we work are causing employees to remain at their current workplaces instead of branching out. Previous problems, such as long commutes, inflexible work schedules or difficult coworkers, have been dampened by digital tools (did someone say Zoom?) and new work-from-home schedules.

What are great candidates looking for in an employer?

If there’s been one silver lining during this time of uncertainty, it’s that people have had a lot of time to think. A lot of time. That means employees are thinking critically about both their personal and professional goals, and they’re making informed choices about how to pursue those goals.

What does that mean for employers? When it comes to employee attitudes, most workers want two things: flexibility and great communication. Flexibility is absolutely critical — giving people the time and space to work how they work best while also providing necessary accommodations is key to garnering the kind of talent you want to keep.

Now that many companies have made the jump to a partly remote workforce, it’s clear that a hybrid office workstyle isn’t a major barrier to efficiency. Offering flexibility in terms of multiple work setups such as one set of equipment for the office and one for home will help entice new hires.

As far as communication goes, don’t rely on surface-level conversations to learn what a potential candidate wants. Candidates are used to telling hiring managers what they want to hear. But the tables have turned: now that employees have greater bargaining power, they’re going to be pickier about the opportunities that come their way. If you dig deep to get at the root of their needs — and show them that you’re committed to meeting those needs — you’ll be ten steps ahead of employers who take a one-size-fits-all approach to their interview process. 

What can employers offer to attract and retain top-notch talent?

Before the pandemic, attracting and retaining talent was largely a straightforward process. Offering competitive wages, L&D opportunities, a career path and job security were some of the keys to attracting attention. Unfortunately, it’s going to be harder to pull workers in a post-COVID world. With so much uncertainty still, you should be looking to embrace what you can control, rather than what you can’t.

While the hiring process is trickier than it used to be, finding the right candidate is still possible.. Start with a great outreach campaign that incorporates traditional, social media and word-of-mouth advertising. All of your marketing should answer the central employee question: “What’s in it for me?”

Next, get creative with what you can offer. More than just a flexible work schedule, consider giving employees additional time off, providing learning and development opportunities, an office that meets the requirements of today's world, look for technology or processes that removes the obstacles to their productivity, invest in them holistically (not just as an employee) and make room in your budget for productivity bonuses and profit-shares. And ensure that you have regular team catch ups on a social level - team bonding events. People need connection now more than ever. 

Lastly, it’s important not to fall victim to unrealistic-expectation-syndrome. What do you as an employer absolutely need out of an employee, and what could be taught on-the-job? Technical skill sets can be taught, prioritise attitude, behaviours and values over things like industry experience, system skills. Discerning core skills from nice-to-have skills will speed up your interview process helping you to secure the right candidate. 

Ensure your recruitment process is fluid and moves fast. Don’t take shortcuts. But don’t sit on things. The gap between receiving a CV, interview times and a sending out letters of offer should be tight. And don’ t forget the onboarding process. The time between a candidate accepting the offer and starting is fraught with uncertainty - keep in close contact with them - invite them to a virtual team meeting. 

Counter offers are huge at the moment - right from the beginning, ensure that you can meet the candidates salary and package benefits expectation. 

Be informed, not afraid, of the new talent market

Scared of switching your recruitment process up? Don’t be. Now isn’t the time to resort to old habits: falling into a “this is how we’ve always done things” hole will set you back considerably and put you on an uneven playing field compared to other, more forward-thinking employers. Just like during the pandemic, when it comes to finding great employees for your business, now is the time to innovate, think outside the box and look for exciting new opportunities.

Want to know more about how to source and/or attract exceptional talent for your team? Reach out with questions — I’m always happy to chat.

Read more Blogs                 Date published:   20/12/2021              Author:  Urszula Lusk

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